What a clever invention the treadmill is. Such a fantastic way to keep fit when you can’t or don’t want to run outdoors. On the other hand, is it a loathsome torture machine to be despised? There’s no doubt that spending long amounts of time on the treadmill can get boring or tedious but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you can’t decide what moves more slowly, a microwave minute or a treadmill minute, then join us as we explore how to make treadmill running more enjoyable.

If the thought of spending any time at all on this human hamster wheel seems like a tedious alternative to a fresh air run, read on, you may even find a way to actually like it. 

Treadmill - how to make treadmill running more enjoyable


First of all, why even do it?

There are quite a few reasons why you might choose the treadmill over running outdoors. Treadmill running certainly has its benefits, and if it’s the difference between running and not running at all then it’s a very good option.

Let’s take a look at some reasons why the treadmill might be a good option for you.

  • Safety. Purchasing a treadmill for home is a great investment if it’s the difference between running or not running at all. Whichever way you look at it, working out on the treadmill is cardio and cardio, as we all know, is good. This is a great way to go for various safety reasons. If your neighbourhood is not safe to run in, if you can only run at night after dark due to work commitments, you don’t feel safe running alone, if your streets are slippery from rain or ice, or too busy with cars, trucks and people. If you are concerned about safety, buying a treadmill for home or using one at the gym will work for you.

Rainy Weather

  • Weather. Too hot, freezing cold, raining, snowing, cyclones, tsunamis, there are times when mother nature just doesn’t play nice. Rather than miss out on running at all just because mother nature is throwing a tanty, just jump on the treadie, it’s good to mix up your different styles of running anyway.
  • Time-poor. Busy people need convenient ways to get in their exercising. Accordingly, running at home can be quick and convenient. Maybe there is a gym with a treadmill at your workplace, handy for a lunchtime workout. Dropping into the gym on the way home. Maybe a quick 30 minutes on the treadmill is doable, where a run outdoors is not. Whatever the reason, getting in a workout, however brief, is still preferable to nothing at all.
  • Preferable. Some people just prefer running on the treadmill. It’s a safe, clean, regulated environment, there’s no cars, trucks, snapping dogs, drop bears or dive-bombing magpies. If the treadie is your jam, there’s nothing wrong with that.

So let’s now take a look at ways you can spice up your treadmill routines to keep it new, fresh and exciting.


  • Vary your pace and incline. As with outdoor running, you don’t want to be running at the same pace on the same flat ground with every workout. It’s important to mix it up to prevent boredom, work different muscles and ultimately, prevent repetitive strain injuries. It’s the same with the treadmill. Try mixing up your routine to include different speeds and inclines.

Treadmill Dashboard - How to Make Treadmill Running more Enjoyable

  • Pre-programmed workouts. Every treadmill has programmed workouts you can try. These programmes mimic such things as trail-running, hill training and speed work etc. This makes it easy to vary your speed and pace, select a workout and let the machine mix it up for you. Here’s a great road-test article on some of the best brands of treadmill available that gives a rundown on some of the features and capabilities of these machines.
  • Speed play. If you are running with a friend at the gym, jump onto treadmills next to each other and have some fun competing with each other by racing. Take it in turns calling out the speed and time.
  • Intervals. As with road running, intervals are one of the best workouts you can do. Simply put, you run for a period of time at a certain speed, then dial it back for a minute or two of rest before the next interval. This is easy to do on a treadmill since you can dial in the speed and time accurately. Have some fun with it, try different combinations each time.

Side Shuffle

  • Side shuffle/gallop. Here’s an exercise you can do on the treadmill that will work your inner and outer thighs as well as calves. Stand sideways on the treadmill and run it a very low speed. Perform relatively quick side shuffles by gradually increasing the speed of the belt.
  • Butt kicks. Start at a very low speed. As you run, kick the heels of your feet all the way up to your butt which each step. Don’t kick your feet out behind you, try to kick right in close to your butt.
  • Skipping. Everyone knows how to do this, try working this into your workout sometimes as well.
  • High knees. A variation of skipping. Whilst skipping lift your knees as high as you can towards your chest. Pump your arms to make the movement more dynamic.
  • Lunges on the treadmill. Lunges are always a great lower body exercise to perform, they really work your leg muscles. Try doing them on the treadmill. Set the speed very low to begin with, this is not a speed workout. For a bit of an extra challenge try holding some dumbells as well.
  • Mix it up with other equipment such as the stationary bike and rowing machine. Easy to do at the gym, a bit costly at home in terms of equipment cost. Create your own circuit. For example, break your workout out time into three equal periods on each machine or rotate through each machine in say, five-minute blocks, until your workout time is complete.


Virtual Run - How to Make Treadmill Running more Enjoyable

  • Virtual runs. These are great. Many treadmills with a big screen will have virtual runs available as well as the many pre-programmed workouts. Essentially, you choose a run from the many worldwide locations available and as you start to run you will follow the trail as if you were really running it. From New Zealand to Germany, from road runs to national park trails, it’s all there. It’s really fun to experience these places as you exercise on the treadmill.
  • Zwift. Here’s another virtual run favourite for stationary cyclists and runners alike. This one is an app you can sign up to for a monthly fee for cyclists but free at the moment for runners. You need to get a tracking pod that attaches to your running shoe and you then choose your virtual run from the extensive choice they have available. You, as your avatar, can run with runners from all over the world and in many virtual scenes. Looks like a lot of fun. Go here to check it out.
  • YouTube. Go to YouTube, search for virtual runs or guided runs and be amazed at the awesome selection of virtual runs you can do from all over the world. For treadmills that are internet-connected with large screens, this is a great option, otherwise, use your iPad.
  • Podcasts. If you’re like me, finding the time to listen to all those queued podcasts you want to get through can be a challenge. Why not use your treadmill workout session as your podcast time. There are many great podcast apps available, my favourite at the moment is Castro which is far better than the native podcast app on my phone.
  • AudioBooks. As with podcasts, listening to audiobooks is also a great way to pass the time on the treadie. That psycho-thriller you are immersed in might even get your pace up.
  • Run to a playlist. Put together a playlist of your favourite beats and jump on the ‘mill. This one’s a no-brainer, we all love our music. But a fresh playlist with some thumping beats will definitely pump up your tempo and enjoyment.
  • Plan around your favourite TV show. Hitting the treadmill in time for your favourite TV show, passes the time brilliantly. Or if you want to get angry and run fast, watch the news.
  • Watch sports. Watching sport can often be inspirational. Especially events like the Olympics, marathons, triathlons etc. But even if it’s just your favourite team playing their weekly round, combining this with your treadmill workout can work well too.
  • Watch an inspiring movie. It doesn’t have to be Chariots of Fire over and over, that could get boring very quickly. Treadmill workouts are a great way to catch up on your favourite movies or something new.
  • Language learning. Here’s something a little different. If you are learning a new language, you can listen to the dialogues while on the treadmill or cycle through the flashcards on your iPad etc. I’ve personally done this many times with my Chinese learning and I can tell you it works really well. Whatever you are learning, language or something else, using your treadmill time to study is a truly awesome why get your workout and study done at the same time.
  • Watching others working out in the gym. You can always learn something new about working out by watching how others at the gym are performing their routines. Maybe learn about contemporary or unique new exercises, or even just be inspired by other gym members.

Window View

  • Have a view. Try locating your treadmill in front of a window with a view. Maybe a beautiful natural landscape view, your garden or even a busy cityscape. Consequently, just watching the world go by passes the time seemingly more quickly.
  • Run or walk while working. If you have one of those stand-up desks you may be able to locate it over your treadmill. Depending on what you are doing this is probably more suited to a slow walk rather than a speed routine.


I recently wrote an article about some strategies you can use when you feel your motivation to run slipping away and you are struggling to get your workouts done. There are some great tips for you in there, you can check them out here.

A lot of these strategies equally apply to treadmill running as they do to outdoor running. Getting bored with your treadmill running can quickly turn to a lack of motivation which in turn may end up having you skip your workouts altogether.


It’s important to remember your ‘why’s and goals’ when boredom or lack of motivation starts to creep in. Your weight-loss goals, your fitness goals, slimming up for summer, whatever it is, it’s important to focus on the outcome you want to achieve.

Use some or all of the strategies we have shown you here in this post to drive you towards your goals and prevent boredom.

When thinking about your approaching treadmill workout, reframe it in your mind from ‘I have to’ to ‘I get to”. This helps change your mindset from your workout being a chore to something you feel positive about getting done.


Journaling is another great way to help stay on track. Writing down your workouts in a journal helps you track your progress and gives you great insight into what variables produce the best results for you.

Was it a particular time of day, had you eaten, what did you eat, which shoes you wore, what you were doing while running. Sometimes you can pick a trend that can help you identify what works and what doesn’t with your workouts.

For example, you might find that you are more focused and more energetic in the early morning but bored and restless after dinner. Writing down your workout results, how you felt, what you were doing etc will give you that information.

Also, having your goals clearly written down in your journal and working towards achieving them with every workout adds motivation and reduces the risk of boredom


Another trick to minimize the risk of boredom setting in is to throw your towel over the timer. Set your workout time when you begin, then don’t look at it again until the machine signals the end of your workout.

Clock watching always make the passage of time seem slower. Therefore, by not focusing on the timer, but instead, employing some of the strategies listed above, you may find your workout just breezes by.


Happy Treadmill Runner

Heading to the gym? Why not invite a mate? Get yourself a workout buddy, jump on machines side by side and enjoy your workouts together.

You could even set the same pre-programmed workout or make a plan beforehand what you want to do.

Just having the time to chat together will pass the time enjoyably. Working out together, catching up on all the latest goss and then maybe heading to the cafe after for a coffee reward sounds great right?


If your treadmill routine mainly consists of walking then this may also be an option for you. Many people practice walking meditation outside, but this can be adapted to the treadmill also.

Here is a great article from the website Psychology Today which explains this great idea in full detail.


Coffee Reward - How to Make Treadmill Running more Enjoyable

Often times rewarding yourself for completing a run or a gym routine is a good incentive to get the workout done, it can be a great motivator.

Rewarding yourself with a snack, coffee from your favourite cafe, massage, nap, whatever it is, can work well on those days when you need that little extra enticement to not only jump on the treadmill in the first place but to complete the session as planned. Ever heard the phrase ‘run for cake’? In this case, ‘no treadmill – no cake’.

Making your rewards dependant on achieving certain workout targets is the best way to successfully employ this strategy. A five-minute workout deserves no reward. Conversely, a 30-minute workout may earn you that latte you’ve been looking forward to. If you are running for weight loss, another more appropriate reward may be a better incentive.


I really like the idea of a ‘fun bank’. This is a rewards program you can set up for yourself with a truly great end reward. How does it work?

You will put a certain amount of cash in the fun bank for achieving certain exercise criteria. For example, when running outside it may be $1 for every kilometre ran. Adapting this for the treadmill, it may be $1 for every 5 minutes, you can decide what works best for you.

Setting a goal of some new gear, dinner out, a holiday, a massage or something else that inspires you, is a fun way to use the fun bank action plan.


There’s no doubt that the treadmill can be an important part of your running routine. 

Treadmill FeetWhen the weathers bad or you are strapped for time, you can get a workout done.

Mixing up the type of running you do is also very important to maintain your enthusiasm for running and keeping it fresh and interesting. A treadmill can be a part of that variety.

If you approach your treadmill workouts with an eye on your goals and using some of the above strategies, you should be able to pre-emptively avoid the onset of boredom.

The treadmill doesn’t have to be the dreadmill.

Have fun with it. Let us know in the comments if you have any other strategies for making your treadmill workouts more enjoyable.



Disclaimer. This article is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to act on any of its content. It is always recommended you consult with your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any activity that may affect your health.


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