One of the big attractions of recreational running is that it’s NOT a team sport. It’s an exercise you can do by yourself, it’s easy to do and you compete with no one except yourself. You are wholly responsible for your commitment and your results. But what if you would love some company now and then? What if you want to take your running to the next level? Join us as we flesh out 5 Reasons To Join A Running Club, and why it may be a great option for you.

Runclub - 5 reasons to join a running club

On this Page:

1. Improve Your Running

No matter what your passion is, finding a group of like-minded people to hang out with can be a great way to learn, practice, improve and gain more pleasure from whatever it is you are doing.

Inspiration, motivation, education, friendship and inclusion are all benefits that come to mind when thinking about joining a running group, and it’s these things that will help you improve your running greatly. Here’s how.

Beginners Welcome

You may have seen groups of Usain Bolt type runners racing around the suburbs and thought there’s no way you could ever run like that.

Don’t let that deter you, most recreational running groups aren’t like that, but instead cater for runners of ALL capabilities.

From newbies to experienced, slow to fast, you’ll find other runners at the same level as you and just running with them will help you improve your running greatly. You’ll be surprised how quickly you progress.

Learn From the Experts

run coach

There will be members in these running clubs who have been running for years. They know about running.

Observing what they do and asking them questions will not only help you improve your running but also help you avoid potential mistakes that might slow down your progress or lead to injury.

Remember, running is their passion too, most experienced runners in these clubs are more than willing to help other runners.

Structured Workouts

Stair running - 5 reasons to join a running club

One of the greatest benefits of joining a running club is the way the group leader will have a structured exercise plan already mapped out for each session.

This gives you access to a variety of exercises, workout intensities and running locations. There will be sprints, long-distance, hills, stairs, road running, grass running. The variety is endless and always exciting.

The group leader will present you with challenges that you would probably never do as a solo runner. Additionally, you’ll push yourself a bit harder in a club environment.

By challenging you in this way, you can’t help but improve your running. You’ll run further, faster and more consistently than most people would ever do alone.

Inspirational Runners

One of the things I felt helped me improve my running when I joined a running group for the first time was identifying a couple of runners in the group who I aspired to be like.

These were experienced, inspirational runners that were doing the things that I wanted to be able to do. I wanted to be like them.

So I set out to observe them, pace off them and learn from them. To be as good as them was a goal I set for myself and with each session, I improved, until eventually, I achieved my goal.

These days I run with these amazing runners every week, such a privilege I am forever grateful for.

Every running club has members like this. Like mentors, they will inspire you to improve your running with every workout.

2. Make Amazing Friends


As mentioned in the introduction, running is not really a team sport in the true sense of the word, like football for example. But that doesn’t mean that being in a running group won’t feel like you are part of a team.

It’s often this ‘team spirit’ that brings people together within a common interest and a common desire. Life-long friendships are made in running clubs because of this like-mindedness.

Your weekly running club session will become one of the highlights of your week. Meeting with other runners, working out together, chatting, learning and improving, camaraderie and having fun are all part of the attraction.

Then, of course, there’s the coffee after the session. Gravitating to a cafe after the run for coffee is always an exciting way to celebrate the workout with friends and socialise.

And don’t forget, the other club members will also mean more Strava friends.

3. Improve Your Motivation And Accountability

Why did you decide to take up running? Was it to improve your fitness. Was it to lose weight? Explore amazing trails? Whatever the reason, you probably had in mind what you wanted to achieve, went about setting your goals and then began your running journey.

But how do you maintain the enthusiasm and motivation to keep running and stay true to your goals?

Keeping yourself ‘on track’ as a solo runner means you alone are responsible for maintaining your motivation and accountability. Joining a run club makes this so much easier. That once or twice a week appointment with your running club mates is something you will look forward to. Fun AND a great workout is assured.

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Your running group friends will be encouraging and supportive, inspiring you with every workout, helping you maintain your motivation and accountability.

For more tips and tricks on maintaining your motivation, check out out article ‘7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Run’.

4. New Locations To Run And Races To Compete In

running trail

This is one of my favourite advantages of joining a running club. Here’s why –

  • New trails. Some running club members have been at this running game for a long time. They will know all the local trails, tracks and interesting city routes that are great to run. It’s so much fun discovering new places to run in your local area, places you may never have known about.
  • Races. Most running clubs will have members who regularly enter races. Marathons, ultra’s, trail runs, fun runs, and so many more. Competing in these events with your running group friends is one of the greatest highlights of the year. If you are relatively new to running, why not enter the 10k or half marathon events with your running club friends who may be doing the full marathon. The camaraderie and encouragement of the other members will make competing in your first races so fulfilling.
  • Runcations. Travelling to another city, town, national park, mountain or even overseas to run is always full of excitement and fun. Travelling, running in the event, going out for meals, staying in hotels and camps, touring the area together. These are opportunities that will provide life-long memories.
  • Doing other sports such as cycling, hiking, kayaking and rowing with your running club also gives you amazing opportunities to see and experience new locations.
  • Competing in other running related events such as Tough Mudder or True Grit are also amazing experiences. Doing these with your running group is great, especially when you need help over that high wall or some encouragement to launch yourself into the ice pit. These events are a whole new world of challenge and fun.

5. Help, Advice And Support

Experience matters. How can you learn anything unless you study it, experience it or get taught by an expert.

Running clubs have members with years of experience, they are happy to answer questions, show you what to do and help you get the most of this amazing sport, after all, it’s their passion.

Run Coach

Here’s just some of ways experienced club members can help you-

  • Workouts. There are so many different types of running exercises you can do…fartleks anyone? Run club members will know them all. Each exercise has its own workout purpose and will work different muscles groups. The group leader will incorporate some of these unique exercises in each workout. This variety is likely something you would never do on your own.
  • Coaching. Got questions? Not sure how or when to do something? Unsure about technique? Run club members are usually more than happy to give great coaching advice to other runners. Encouragement from these gurus and the celebration of your progress they offer is so motivational.
  • Safety. Running alone, especially at night, can be a little uncomfortable for some runners. Running with your group takes away that feeling allowing you to enjoy your workout. Similarly, a long run with other runners is very reassuring in case something goes wrong. Being 15 kilometres along a trail and all alone with a sprained ankle or worse is not a happy scenario.

Gear, Injury, Practitioner advice and more

  • Gear. What is the best sports watch to buy? Do I need compression gear? What sort of trainers do I need? Where is the best place to buy my running gear? Your club members have probably made all the running gear mistakes possible and are also likely to have found some amazing products to help you on your running journey. Hit them up for some gear advice.
  • Injury. Like all sports, injury is an ever-present danger for runners. You can suffer an injury simply by being unaware that you are doing something in the wrong way. Maybe you aren’t warming up properly, maybe stretching in the wrong way, using the wrong technique, there are so many mistakes you could make. Your running group members can guide you and help you avoid getting injured. And when an injury occurs, help you with the best treatment options.
  • Practitioner advice. Who’s the best sports masseur in town? Where to go for physio treatment? Who’s a great chiropractor? Finding the best practitioners in town is easy when your running club members have probably tried them all and weeded out the ineffective ones.
  • Other sports. You’ll probably be amazed at all the other sports and activities that your run club members practice. Cycling, MTB, swimming, hiking, kayaking, gym, football, cricket, the list goes on. Joining them on some of these is a world of fun and adds variety to your outdoors life.

Wrapping It Up

I said at the beginning of this post that one of the attractions of running is that it wasn’t a team sport. It’s easy to do alone and can be completely satisfying and effective, not to mention, preferable for many people. That ‘me’ time out there on the track is so incredibly valuable.

Conversely, running with mates also has so many wonderful advantages as we have demonstrated in this post.

running group - 5 reasons to join a running club

Best of Both Worlds

Unless you are competing in a relay race, training for the Olympics or some other tournament, you probably aren’t in a team. However, joining a run club has all the great feels of being part of a team, but you are still essentially competing only with yourself. For this reason, doing one or two workouts a week with your run club and doing your other runs solo, truly is the best of both worlds.

It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Taking full advantage of this amazing sport can be achieved by doing both. If you want to be inspired, motivated and challenged, joining a running group might just be for you.

You can find your local running groups by taking part in charity runs, Parkrun, or other local events. Ask the staff at sports stores and specialty running stores, they will likely be members themselves or have contact information. And, of course, a web search will turn up most clubs or groups.

Happy running


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