What is this fabled euphoric feeling you sometimes get after a run? Join us as we discover what this amazing feeling is, and how you can get it.

What is a Runner’s High. An exulted feeling of happiness, calmness, effortlessness, and even a reduction in pain and anxiety levels.

Does Runner’s High really exist?  Yes! Numerous studies have proven its existence, even though it can be very elusive.

What causes a Runner’s High? Certain types of exercise and the resultant release of specific chemicals in the brain triggers a Runner’s High.

What medical evidence is there that Runner’s High exists? Science has identified the two main chemicals that trigger a RH, Endorphins and Endocannabinoids.

How do I get a Runner’s High?  A moderate intensity long run of at least 45 minutes, and a de-focused mind, are amongst the prerequisites of a possible RH.

Who can get a Runner’s High? You need to be able to workout consistently for at least 45 minutes. Newbie runners need to gain some experience and resilience first.

What if I don’t like running? Good news. You can potentially get a Runner’s High in other cardio-type sports such as swimming, cycling, and rowing etc.

Experiencing a Runner’s High is something you can’t go after, but when it happens, you will never forget the sensation.

Click the below link for our full article, along with all our other tips, ideas, and FAQ’s.